Mobile App Push Notifications
Quick Reference
Existing Mobile App Users: You will not be prompted to enable push notifications at your next login after push notifications are enabled. You will be able to enroll in Push Notifications in your settings menu within the mobile app at any time.
- Login to the App > Menu > Settings > Push Notification Enrollment > Enable Notifications
- You will be taken to the Device Setup screen.
- Clicking only Allow Notifications means that the Push Notifications can be used for alerts only.
- RECOMMENDED: Toggling Enable device for 2 Factor Authentication to “on,” is needed if you want to have push notifications available as an option for logging in, transaction approvals, password re-set notifications etc.
New Mobile App User: You will be prompted at your initial login to allow push notifications.
- Upon first login, you will be asked to validate via a one-time security code
If you choose to allow Push Notifications, you can register your device. Registering your device allows you to use push notifications for 2 Factor Authentication during login (if the device is not recognized), and password reset attempts.
- Once validated, you will be taken to the device Set-Up screen.
Clicking only Allow Notifications means that the Push Notifications can be used for alerts only.
RECOMMENDED: Toggling Enable device for 2 Factor Authentication to “on,” is needed if you want to have push notifications available as an option for logging in, transaction approvals, password re-set notifications etc.
- When you select Allow notifications, the standard Allow or Don’t allow box appears.
NOTE: Once enabled, all current security alerts for will be sent out via a push to the registered device, in addition to any other delivery method that is configured for alerts (SAC or email).
NOTE: If you allow Push Notifications, but do not register your device, you will always be prompted to verify via 2 Factor Authentication at login – Push Notifications will be an option along with Text Message or Voice Call.
Verifying a log in attempt
Once push notifications and 2 Factor Authentication are enabled, if someone tries to login to your profile on an unregistered device, your registered device will get a push notification asking them you to confirm the login.
If you click No it is not me, the person on the unregistered device will get a notification that the attempt was blocked and will be directed to call customer support.
Other Notes
You can disable push notifications via the settings menu within the app at any time
You can manage which alerts use push notifications via the security alert settings